Classification System
The MNL Advocacy Committee is responsible for reviewing each resolution, determining whether the issue is municipal in nature, and recommending how MNL can best lobby for the issues identified or otherwise contribute to their resolution. MNL has instituted a Resolutions Classification system that allows each resolution to be assessed and given one of three priority levels. These levels help the Advocacy Committee and Board determine the level of attention each resolution merits. All adopted resolutions are also assigned to at least one of MNL’s Standing or Ad Hoc Committees to follow-up and monitor as appropriate through the year. Once a resolution is “carried” at the AGM, it remains active for two years.
Download the PDF: MNL Resolution Classification System
Category A
Core Municipal Issues – these are resolutions that are the direct responsibility of, or directly affect municipal councils and where municipalities play a clear leadership role. These resolutions, if approved, will be aggressively researched and pursued by the MNL Advocacy Committee as priorities, and the findings communicated back to the membership.
Example of a Category A Resolution: Resolution seeking legislative measures to allow for the more effective collection of the poll tax. Tax collection is an essential component to local government, and therefore, it is a category “A” resolution.
Category B
Issues not within Municipal Jurisdiction – these resolutions are those that are not a direct municipal responsibility, but which have some impact on municipalities. In general, these are matters where municipalities would be a key partner to actions led by another party. Adopted Category B resolutions will be dealt with by an appropriate level of committee research and monitoring, a letter outlining our position on the resolution, and ongoing engagement with the partner organization(s).
Example of a Category B Resolution: A resolution lobbying for the paving of the Trans-Labrador highway. This is an important issue for municipalities in Labrador, as it improves healthcare, communications, and economic development. Nonetheless, municipalities have no direct control over such transportation issues. |
Category C
Non-Municipal Issue – these are resolutions which fall outside of municipal responsibilities but which broadly address campaigns led or positions held by other organizations that the membership is prepared to express solidarity with. If adopted, the matter would be monitored by a Standing and Ad Hoc Committee and the membership’s support for the issue noted in news releases and letters as appropriate. It would not receive significant additional resources.
Example of a Category C Resolution: Mandatory winter tires for all vehicles driven in the winter in the province. This may be an example of an important idea, however, it has no direct impact on the municipal sector and is beyond a municipality’s jurisdiction. |