MNL Municipal Symposium: Unlocking Excellence Happening This Week

For Immediate Release
May 1, 2024

Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador (MNL) members are gathering in Gander May 2 to 4 for the 2024 Municipal Symposium: Unlocking Excellence.

With 25 sessions on topics including climate resilience, housing, municipal funding, ATIPP, regional economic development, and much more, the Municipal Symposium is a forum for discussing the important issues facing the municipal sector.

With a focus on audience participation, this year’s Municipal Symposium will provide municipal leaders with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions on issues that matter to their communities.

MNL is honoured to host a screening of The Forgotten Warriors on Friday evening. This  documentary tells the story of Mi’kmaq hunger strikers from Miawpukek First Nation fighting for justice 41 years ago.

“I am really proud of what MNL has on offer this year at our annual symposium. Our sessions reflect the needs of the sector, the discussions we must have, and the good relationships we maintain with our partners and sponsors. Together, we continue to work toward unlocking excellence in the municipal sector.” – Amy Coady, MNL President.


Members of the media are invited to spend time at the Municipal Symposium and to talk with attendees. All sessions take place at the Quality Hotel and Suites in Gander. We ask that media please call or text Tobias Romaniuk, MNL communications and marketing officer, when arriving on site.

A full event agenda can be found here.

Media Contact 

Tobias Romaniuk
Communications and Marketing Officer, MNL