MNL releases COVID municipality impacts report, calls on Federal Government to make longer-term commitments to doubling Canada Community Building Fund
April 15, 2021
Today, Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador is releasing its report on the impacts of COVID-19 on municipalities in the province.
COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador: Municipal impacts, responses and recommendations for recovery, details three snapshots in time for municipalities as they worked through the pandemic: April/May 2020; August 2020 and March 2021.
The report sets out four recommendations:
- Municipalities need access to operational and infrastructure funding streams to support ongoing operational needs related to COVID-19 and to support recovery;
- All funding streams should be flexible and allow for stacking;
- All funding streams should be without administrative burden;
- All funding streams be designed and delivered as multi-year funding opportunities.
Findings support the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ call to the Federal Government for targeted operating support for municipalities and a three-year doubling of the federal Gas Tax Fund as a proven municipal infrastructure funding tool.
On March 25 of this year, a one-year doubling of the fund was announced, which will help support stimulus and recovery in municipalities. It was renamed the Canada Community Building Fund.
“Our members have been loud and clear. The pandemic has had impacts on how they do business. They need a flexible approach moving forward and the right kinds of funding opportunities to empower their work. A commitment to doubling the Canada Community Building Fund for a longer period would certainly be one example of how to do this.” Amy Coady-Davis, Interim Board Chair, MNL
The Federal Government is set to release its budget on Monday, April 19. The detailed MNL COVID impacts report can be found here.
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