MNL Welcomes Re-elected Qalipu Chief and new Federal Minister to this week’s 2021 Conference and Trade Show
Qalipu Chief and Corner Brook resident Brendan Mitchell, will deliver the opening ceremonies keynote address with a talk on reconciliation. Mitchell has decades of experience advocating for Indigenous issues, and as Chief has committed to relationship building at all levels of government.
The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Federal Minister of Rural Economic Development, will join Federation of Canadian Municipalities President Joanne Vanderheyden and MNL President Amy Coady for a wide-ranging discussion on the issues affecting municipalities from federal, provincial and local perspectives.
This year’s conference – the first in-person event MNL has hosted since 2019 – promises to be four days of inspiring and engaging sessions to help municipal leaders continue the important work of creating better communities. Our theme this year, It Starts With Us, references that creating better communities begins with the work done by municipal councillors, mayors, and staff.
With more than 30 sessions, the conference will cover a wide range of topics designed to promote conversation and increase the knowledge-base of municipal leaders.
Premier Andrew Furey will be hosting the Premier’s Forum with a focus on regionalization. Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs Krista Lynn Howell will deliver the keynote address at Saturday’s luncheon. We are also pleased to welcome more than 300 municipal delegates, sponsors, exhibitors, and special guests.
We’re especially excited to announce the return of the Women’s Leadership Summit. This year’s theme is Connect Communicate Succeed. Full details are here:
“We’re excited to welcome MNL members and our guests to Corner Brook for the 2021 MNL Conference and Trade Show. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the many opportunities to learn from each other as we celebrate being able to do it safely in-person. I want to thank our board and staff, our partners and sponsors, and those joining us virtually, for being a part of this important event.” – MNL President Amy Coady
For media inquiries, and for media access (in-person or virtual) please contact Tobias Romaniuk by phone or text at 709-725-1440 or email For members of the media planning to attend the conference, please keep in mind that we require proof of vaccination upon entry.
A full agenda of events can be found at this link (pdf):
For more information on the conference, visit this link:
This is a COVID-safe event. Please consult our COVID-19 policy here.