Municipalities Focus on Critical Operations in Alert Level 5.
February 17, 2021
St. John’s, 2021 – Municipalities continue to lead their communities through this public health crisis. In response to Alert Level 5 public health measures, MNL is working with municipalities on taking swift action to keep staff, residents and communities safe by closing town offices and facilities to the public. The focus is now on critical operations and supporting essential workers.
Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador (MNL) communicated with members recommendations and guidance for municipalities under Alert 5 immediately following the February 12th announcement. A close working relationship with the provincial government during the last lockdown ensured alert level guidance for municipalities was available and published, and that provincial government staff were available to answer municipal-specific questions. MNL’s COVID-19 website is updated with this information. As part of its ongoing support to the sector MNL will be holding a municipal check-in with members today, Wednesday, February 17th. A representative of the Public Health Branch of the Department of Health and Community Services will participate in this information session to answer questions and provide additional guidance.
MNL is also asking the public to be patient as municipalities once again pivot operations under new public health orders.
“Throughout the last year municipalities have shown tremendous resilience and leadership. Municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador continue to connect, engage, and support each other, their residents and businesses in new ways as the pandemic impacts almost every facet of public life. We know that our members faced significant and challenging issues before the pandemic, and it has only amplified these issues. MNL will continue to work hard to support its members and advocate for them” Craig Pollett, CEO Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador.
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Deatra Walsh, Director of Advocacy, Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador