Notice of Motion

Memo to Members

Please be advised that the Board of Directors of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador is proposing the following changes be made to the organization’s By-Laws at the upcoming Annual General Meeting in St. John’s.

The Notice of Motion will also be printed in the 2019 Conference materials and distributed at registration in St. John’s.

Notice of Motion 

1) Submitted by the MNL Board of DirectorsIt has been proposed that the By-Laws of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador be amended to include reference to a new, non-voting, ex-officio Immediate Past President role, and, in so doing, to also remove an outdated reference to the timing of the elections of Regional Directors, as follows:

Article II: Board of Directors

That the first sentence of Section 3: Number of Directors and Quorum, be amended (addition italicized) to read:

“Subject to the articles of the MNL, the number of directors of the MNL shall be that number of directors with voting privileges elected by the members in accordance with Article II, Section 5 of this By-Law of whom a majority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business at any meeting of the directors.”

And, that the first sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4: Qualification be amended (addition italicized) to read:

With the exception of the Immediate Past President, in the event a sitting Director is no longer a member of Council or leaves his/her position on Council before the end of their term, he/she ceases to be a Director.”

And, that the first sentence of the existing Section 6: Election and Term, shall be amended (addition italicized)to read:

“The Board of Directors, with the exception of the Immediate Past President, shall be elected for a two-year term of office.”

And, that the second sentence of the existing Section 6: Election and Term, Item (e) shall be deleted:

“…The Small Towns Director’s two-year term shall commence in the same year as the two-year terms of the Avalon, Central, Eastern, Northern and Southwest Directors.”

And, that the following be inserted immediately following the amended Section 6: Election and Term, Item (e) text, which now reads, “A Small Towns Director, […] from within that group at each Annual General Meeting.”:

“(f) An Immediate Past President, who shall be the individual whose term as President has just concluded. The Immediate Past President is a non-voting, ex-officio role with a term of one year.”

Article III: Officers/Executive Committee

That the following be added immediately following Section 3: Addition to the Executive Committee:

“Section 4: Immediate Past President Role”

The Immediate Past President provides support, as requested, by the President. Their attendance at meetings of the Officers and Executive Committee is at the discretion of the President.”

2)  Submitted by the MNL Board of Directors

It has been proposed that the By-Laws of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador be amended to adjust the population criteria for membership in the Urban Municipalities Committee downwards from 4,000 to 3,000 as follows:

Article II: Board of Directors

That Section 6: Election and Term, be amended (change italicized) to read:

“An Urban Municipalities Director, who shall be elected by the voting delegates from municipalities of the Urban Municipalities Committee representing those member municipalities with populations of 3,000 or greater based on the most current Census at each alternate Annual General Meeting.”