Municipal Awareness Day
During Municipal Awareness Day local leaders and municipal administrators reach out to residents, providing them with information about the work local governments do and encourage them to become actively engaged on municipal issues. Municipal Awareness Day also provides an opportunity to attract the next generation of municipal leaders in your community, young residents have to be engaged in a way that makes them excited, interested, and invested in the plans and processes that will shape how the community looks in the future.
Below are some ideas and on-line resources you can use when planning Municipal Awareness Day activities in your community:
FCM – Municipal Youth Engagement Handbook
This Municipal Youth Engagement Handbook is designed to highlight the resources, strategies, and tools that elected municipal officials and public administrators alike can employ to address the challenges of engaging and recruiting young Canadians as future municipal leaders and workers.
Municipal Awareness Day Proclamation
In recognition of the vital role of municipal government and of all whose efforts support it, the Minister of Municipal Affairs proclaims the first Wednesday in May to be Municipal Awareness Day in municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Municipal Awareness Day Planning Guide
Don’t know where to start? Here are a few suggestions to kick off Municipal Awareness Day in your community. Feel free to be as creative and original as you want. So have fun with them, adapt them as you need and do what you feel will work in your unique municipality. The important thing is that everybody enjoys the activities.