Municipal Legislation

Newfoundland and Labradors’ municipal legislation is out of date. MNL has been advocating for change to the Municipalities Act, and the implementation of new legislation for a decade. As a province, we are behind most of the rest of the county in modern, enabling municipal legislation.

We have been told that legislation is coming for more than 3 years, and we have seen no advancement on this file. Legislative change is needed now. This is not only true for the Municipalities Act, but equally true for the legislation guiding the three cities in our province. Legislation is a provincial responsibility. Municipalities are creatures of the province.

If we are to support “sustainable communities as the building block of our province”, as indicated in the Minister’s mandate letter, then a clear and immediate commitment to legislative change is necessary. As with all things, MNL requires a seat at the table in all decisions and conversations that impact our members.