Tomorrow’s Towns

Tomorrow’s Towns is an MNL project to help municipalities become more sustainable while addressing social and environmental challenges. The focus is on supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a practical education program centered on placemaking.

Placemaking is a hands-on approach that helps communities build on their unique strengths to create vibrant, happy, and economically strong places to live. Through workshops, real-life examples, and a helpful handbook, the program will guide communities on how to get started and keep the momentum going.

The project also includes creating a sustainability plan to ensure that the benefits of placemaking continue well into the future, all in support of the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Municipalities interested in participating in the Tomorrow’s Towns program are encouraged to fill out this sign-up form.

The following organizations are members of the Tomorrow’s Towns Partnership Committee: