About MNL Committees
MNL’s Advisory Committees are volunteer groups that provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to MNL’s Board of Directors on matters relating to that particular portfolio. Each committee is chaired by an MNL board member and comprised of members chosen through an application process.
Responsibilities of an MNL Advisory Committee Member
- Committee members must be on council or municipal administrative staff.
- Committees will provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to the Board of Directors on relevant matters related to their particular advisory committee.
- Meetings will be held frequently enough to accomplish the goals set out in the work-plan. Committee members are expected to make every effort to participate in each meeting by teleconference, video conference or in person.
- Members are expected to review and respond to email requests in a timely fashion.
Executive Committee
Chair: Councillor Amy Coady, President
Vice Chair: Mayor Brian Keating, Vice-President
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee acts in an advisory capacity to provide strategic input into and feedback on MNL’s advocacy planning and key advocacy initiatives. The committee will also review resolutions put forward by the membership and provide recommendations to the MNL Board of Directors.
Chair: Mayor Percy Farwell, Central Director
Vice Chair: Councillor Tina Neary, Avalon Director
Finance Committee
The Finance and Administration Committee assists the Board in fulfilling financial oversight responsibilities. The committee will play an active role in reviewing financial statements, engagement of external auditors, and planning for risk management. The Committee also ensures members are kept up to date on key issues relating to overall MNL finances.
Chair: Mayor Danny Breen, St. John’s Director
Vice Chair: Michele Peach, Finance Director
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee supports MNL staff in increasing and maintaining membership satisfaction by monitoring existing member service arrangements and developing new or revised services to be recommended to the Board; considering new member categories and assessments for consideration by the Board; reviewing current services, fee structures and member categories; exploring new services such as land use planning, professional development and debt consolidation; and conducting regular membership satisfaction surveys.
Chair: Mayor Brian Keating, Vice-President
Vice Chair: Mayor Belinda Adams, Labrador Director
Urban Municipalities Committee
The Urban Municipalities Committee represents the interests of those municipalities with a population over 3,000. Issues are raised and discussed at quarterly meetings and recommendations for action are presented to the Board of Directors. The UMC are also called upon by the Board from time to time to review specific issues and bring forward recommendations for action.
Chair: Mayor Craig Scott, UMC Director
Small Towns Advisory Committee
The Small Towns Advisory Committee provides a venue for discussion of issues of common concern to communities of 3,000 people or fewer. This committee shall provide advice to the Small Towns Director and apply a small towns lens to activities of the Corporation.
Chair: Councillor Lynn Ellsworth, Small Towns Director
Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Roger Barrett, Western Director
Women and Gender Equity Committee
The Women and Gender Diverse Individuals Committee provides practical support for women working on council or for a municipal government. The committee will help MNL develop professional training activities, workshops and tools that will address needs identified by the Women’s Caucus and that are in line with MNL’s strategic plan. It supports strategic direction and provides input on the annual Women and Gender Diverse Individuals Leadership Summit in conjunction with the annual conference.
Chair: Councillor Tina Neary, Avalon Director
Youth Committee
The Youth Committee acts in an advisory capacity and provides strategic input to: 1) support and encourage younger individuals to consider joining municipal councils, and 2) encourage municipal civic engagement among children and young adults.
Chair: Mayor Craig Scott, UMC Director
Vice Chair: Councillor Lynn Ellsworth, Small Towns Director