MNL Pleased to See Updated Municipal Legislation in the House of Assembly
For Immediate Release
Nov. 1, 2023
Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador has long advocated for updated, enabling municipal legislation. We are pleased to see the Towns and Local Service Districts Act introduced to the House of Assembly today.
MNL is reviewing the legislation, and although further review is required, we are pleased to note several positives for our members, such as expanded options for generating revenue. This includes tourist accommodation tax and first lien, both of which were topics of member resolutions passed at our Annual General Meeting last week. These are critical steps toward improving municipal fiscal stability at a time when municipalities are experiencing greater challenges and ever-increasing fiscal constraints.
The proposed Act provides increased clarity of the purpose and expectations of municipalities, as recommended by MNL during the consultation phase. While we are pleased to see towns empowered to pursue economic development and social and economic well-being, it is essential that municipalities be provided access to appropriate resources to accomplish these tasks. We look forward to hearing further details on how municipalities will be supported through this proposed legislation.
“MNL is pleased to see several of its recommendations included in this new Act. As we continue to review this legislation, we look forward to exploring how its enabling nature empowers municipalities to source right-sized solutions for the future sustainability of our communities.” – Amy Coady, MNL President.
Towns and Local Service Districts Act
Media Contact
Tobias Romaniuk
Communications and Marketing Officer, MNL
709 725 1440