AGM 2023

The 2023 Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador AGM will take place Saturday, Oct. 28 at the St. John’s Convention Centre. To facilitate voting on resolutions and for Board of Directors nominees, the meeting will be called to order Oct. 25.


Online voting will take place during this event. Delegates will vote on resolutions and director positions on the MNL Board. MNL is partnering with Intelivote to facilitate our election of officers in a secure manner.

AGM Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Land Acknowledgment
  3. Moment of Silence
  4. Introduction of Parliamentarian and Adoption of Standing Rules
  5. Approval of the Minutes of the 72nd Annual General Meeting
  6. Address by Affiliate Presidents
  7. Address by Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs
  8. President’s Report
  9. Chief Executive Officer’s Report
  10. Finance Report and Adoption of 2022 Audited Financial Statements
  11. Advocacy Report
  12. Membership Report
  13. 2023 Resolutions
  14. Proposed New Bylaws
  15. 2024 Membership Fees
  16. Election of Officers
  17. Concluding Motions and Adjournment

Election of Officers

The following board positions will be voted on at the 2023 AGM:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Small Towns Director
  • Urban Municipalities Director

The nomination period has now closed. Candidates can be viewed here.


The MNL Advocacy Committee is responsible for reviewing each resolution, determining whether the issue is municipal in nature, and recommending how MNL can best lobby for the issues identified or otherwise contribute to their resolution. MNL has instituted a Resolutions Classification system that allows each resolution to be assessed and given one of three priority levels. These levels help the Advocacy Committee and Board determine which resolutions are most important and require more attention. All adopted resolutions are also assigned to at least one of MNL’s Standing or Ad Hoc Committees to follow-up and monitor as appropriate throughout the year.

Submitted resolutions will be voted on at the 2023 AGM.


Following a bylaw review, the MNL Board of Directors has endorsed the revised bylaws, as prepared by law firm Stewart McKelvey, and is presenting these revised bylaws to the membership at the AGM for approval.

Reports and Documents


Information Session

An information session on the proposed membership fee increase is happening on October 19 at 12 p.m. (11:30 in parts of Labrador). Pre-registration is required for this online session. Register here.